Mrs Howlett (Deputy Head of PE)
Not to be outdone by the rather inclement weather to say the least, our Senior School tennis teams pushed on and played their fixture against Kimbolton School on Saturday 15th May.
The setting was certainly not the normal summer tennis whites and sun cream and a whole lot more of the waterproofs and puddles. However, both of the school’s teams showed a great approach and played their fixture in good spirit. With just shy of 130 students playing either at home or away, it was fantastic to see the courts full once again.
The students played a timed format for the matches across all age groups, which allowed for maximum play and made the most of the time on court. At the end of the morning, the games won and lost are totalled to give a result for each age group. Regardless of results the winner on this occasion was certainly the tennis. Great performances, well done to our tennis stars!
View the full results HERE.