Photo - Be Positive Group
Miss Dawson (Biology Teacher, CAS & Service Coordinator)
Following the launch of the Campaign Challenge in January, the Lower Sixth students have been working in small groups to choose a social issue they feel passionate about and design a campaign to inspire and educate the BGS community about this issue.
Before the half term break, each group invited Years 7 to Upper Sixth students and staff to complete a short survey to help them identify myths and misconceptions associated with their issue. Over the first three weeks of this half term, each group will be carrying out events around school.
This is the third year this annual challenge (with a year break due to last year’s lockdown) has been held and once again the topics are diverse, from the negative effects of social media to the refugee crisis.
The group representing positive body image and mental health kicked off their campaign by inviting students across the whole Senior School to write positive comments about other students in their year group, which will be displayed as bunting around the school, and on Monday a group representing homelessness will be running quizzes and activities to dispel some of the misconceptions surrounding this social issue.
We look forward to seeing what the other groups do over the next two weeks.