By Mrs Graves (Head of English)
As we approach the Easter holidays, we also approach a much-anticipated milestone for Year 11: the start of exam leave in May. A large part of our time together as a form at the moment is spent thinking about preparation for the upcoming exams, so when we were planning our final form display board, this topic was obviously going to take centre stage.
One of the skills we strive to equip the students with is the ability to be reflective and balance their school work, co-curricular activities and wellbeing. With this in mind, 11FFG have been working together to create a display, whimsically titled Feeling Egg-cellent? which helps all students think about how to protect their well-being whilst preparing effectively for exams.
The creation of the display has allowed us to take part in various mindfulness or relaxation activities, drawing on the creative talents of students in the design of the eggs, the origami flowers and the jolly little Easter Bunny peeking out. But the key messages are contained on the smaller eggs, reflecting the advice that students would like to offer to their peers: get outside and take a walk; plan events with your friends to ensure you don’t get isolated; make a manageable schedule so you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you tick things off, and other ideas.
In order to get as many students as possible thinking about this important topic, the class has also been planning a sweet treat for the end of term. Having spent the last two weeks writing a personal message for each member of the year group, these were attached to a small gift and distributed to all Year 11 forms in the final week of term.