By Miss Sadler (DofE Bronze Coordinator)
On Saturday 10th June, 72 enthusiastic Year 9 students met at Harrold Country Park for their Bronze assessed expedition. This involved two days of walking, with one-night camping whilst carrying all their food and equipment.
Once all groups had received their group kit and were briefed they were ready to go. It was a very warm weekend and the students ensured they were resting in the shade, wearing sunhats and drinking plenty of water throughout the days. Staff met them along the route to check in with them, topping up water as necessary and once they were at the campsite, students were able to explore the wooded area whilst keeping cool. Throughout the weekend the students were able to demonstrate all the skills they learnt on their training weekend including campcraft, navigational skills and teamwork.
Each group had an aim, which ranged from taking photographs, creating a collage to coming up with a song about their experience. Although the weekend had its challenges, students coped very well and have made some unforgettable memories. They should all be incredibly proud of themselves as we are as staff.
View photos from the expedition here.