We are incredibly proud of sisters Mahdiyah (Year 10) and Aaliyah Meghji (Year 7) who had an impactful journey to Uganda in East Africa during the half-term break.
In an inspiring display of compassion and dedication to service, they volunteered at an eye camp organised by Volunteers for Humanity, a charity founded by their grandparents. The siblings reflected on their experience:
“This October half-term, we went to Uganda in East Africa to assist in an eye camp run by Volunteers for Humanity, a charity which was started by our grandparents and is dedicated to helping the less fortunate in rural villages across Uganda. In many parts of the country, healthcare is inadequate and thus, these camps provide sight and hearing tests for local people who would otherwise be unable to access these types of services.
“This year, the camp took place in a village outside of Masaka, about three hours from Kampala, which is the capital of Uganda. People were provided with prescription glasses, reading glasses, medications and in special cases, were scheduled for cataract surgeries. We had the opportunity to help by doing the initial vision testing and also dispensing glasses and drops once the patients were seen by the doctors.
“Over 1000 adults were seen over a three-day period. In addition, shoes and footballs were given to over 1000 children and lunch was provided as well. The experience was humbling as we saw first-hand the true need some people have and it made us realise how lucky we are to live in a developed country with excellent healthcare. It was inspiring to see what a difference we can make to the lives of others. We hope that in telling our story it will encourage others to get involved with local or international charities in whatever capacity they can.”
Mrs Arrowsmith (CAS & Service Coordinator) said: “It is wonderful to hear of our students playing such an active role in this amazing project. Madiyah and Aaliya’s involvement is truly inspiring. We are incredibly proud of them!”