Whole School

We are proud to announce that Dame Alice Harpur School alumna, Kim Pearce is currently directing the powerful production Forgotten at the Arcola Theatre, London.

Written by Playwright Daniel York, Forgotten brings to light the 140,000 Chinese labourers who aided in Britain and the Allies WWI victory a century ago; as a result, educating and celebrating the contributions of the Chinese Labour Corps.

The production depicts a world of characters pre WWII, all seeking brighter prospects and a better quality of life. This automatically offers scope for all to transition; depicting their move from China and their assimilation to new customs, as well as having to get through the day to day surrounded by war.

The production has so far received colourful reviews; The Stage said: “Pearce’s direction is empathetic, emphasising and rooting the interpersonal relationships at the heart of the piece.”    

Kim, who left Dame Alice Harpur School in 2004, studied at the University of Warwick and trained on the Theatre Directing MFA at Birkbeck College, University of London. She was resident director on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time UK and Ireland tour 2014/15; and staff director on The Suicide at the National Theatre.

For more details about Forgotten, click here.

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