Senior School Lunchtime Concert
Senior School Music

Mrs McKinnell (Music Teacher)

At 1pm on Thursday 8th November, the Senior School girls put on their first recital of the year; the Lunchtime Informal Concert in the Assembly Hall.

Fourteen girls performed, from Year 7 right up to the Upper Sixth. The girls did themselves proud, with the audience being treated to an array of polished performances covering a really contrasting selection of musical works.

Pianists, vocalists, violinists, a cellist, a clarinettist and a recorder player all took part, allowing the school community (including some returning alumni and parents) a chance to sit back and enjoy some beautiful music during their lunch break.

All performers deserve to be congratulated on the stunning performances, which were of a very high standard. We look forward to our next Lunchtime Informal Concert, which takes placed on Monday 18th February.

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Senior School Lunchtime Concert