Mr Ellis (DofE Manager)
Last weekend saw the Bedfordshire countryside populated with participants on their DofE Bronze practice expedition. Day one started with an introduction, issuing the final pieces of equipment, such as the radio and GPS tracker, final briefings and then the groups were off and running.
The day’s route took the participants over the Greensands Ridge and down to Ickwell Bury where they then pitched tents and had their evening meal. The second day saw a return to the Greensands Ridge with a finishing point of Cotton End firmly drawn on the maps.
There is always such a wide range of experience on the Bronze practice, from those who have already been camping or walking, to those participants who have yet to experience the outdoors.
The main aim for the staff is to try and bring everyone to a level where there are no surprises on the assessed expedition, everyone has had a practical experience of navigating and camping and the girls start moving from operating in stretch and challenge to their comfort zone, which allows us to introduce new elements at Silver.