Sahitya’s Natyanjali Dance
Senior School

During half term, talented dancer Sahitya Sritharan (Year 7) travelled to Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India to take part in the prestigious Natyanjali dance competition.

Sahitya reflected: “We left home on Sunday and after a long journey, we arrived in India at five o’clock on Monday! Even though it was very hot, we had many rehearsals, until we travelled to Nataraja Temple in Chidambaram for the dance competition on Wednesday. 

“It took us three hours to get ready and I was very nervous, but once we started dancing it was so much fun! Our performance was based on the traditional dance called the Thodaya Mangalam, which is very hard and we only had one month to learn it. Our team won and we were in the local news. I can’t wait to try again next year!”

Mrs Hoar, Sahitya’s form tutor said: “We are very proud of Sahitya and 7CCH are looking forward to learning some of her dance moves next week!”

Watch a video about Natyanjali here.

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Sahitya’s Natyanjali Dance