BGS vs Berkhamsted
Senior School

Miss Hooker (PE Teacher)

On Saturday 4th December, the lacrosse teams headed to Cople Fields to compete in a block fixture against Berkhamsted School as a warm up for the lacrosse competitions in the term ahead.

The matches were played in two rounds with parents once again able to be part of the morning; finally, able to watch and support whilst socially distancing! 

The weather held out for the games which were intense, and the skill level was high from both schools ensuring some close scores. A special mention goes out to the U13A team, who showed determination in their second ever game against tough opposition to finish with a 11-11 draw. 

We look forward to welcoming St George’s School lacrosse teams and the BGS community to Cople Fields on Saturday 8th January.

You can follow all the live updates @Team_BGS here.

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BGS vs Berkhamsted