Elaine Teale (Deputy Head – Pastoral)
We are delighted to be able to offer an engaging workshop delivered by Naella Grew from Teenagers Translated, which will take place at BGS on Tuesday 24th May 2002, 4pm-7pm.
Open to BGS parents and carers of children in Year 5 and above, the course is designed to help parents and carers develop the understanding and skills needed to provide proactive support to their children and how to give them the building blocks for good mental health. View more information here.
Naella Grew is a qualified counsellor specialising in teenage development. Alongside Janey Downshire, they set up Teenagers Translated nearly a decade ago, a business aimed at helping all those involved in the teen years – parents, school staff and teenagers themselves - to manage this turbulent period better. As professionals and mothers of young adult children, they are well placed professionally and personally to appreciate many of the challenges facing this age group.
The cost of the workshop is £20 and there are a limited number of places available, book here.