Mrs Whomsley (Junior School Eco Coordinator)
There was a buzz of excitement in the Junior School gardens on Tuesday lunchtime when we were visited by the Senior School Eco Reps who ran an Eco Scavenger hunt.
Students from across the school participated in numerous fun eco activities from spotting bugs to finding flowers, there was a list of eco-themed items for them to find and report back on. The students also made pledges to take back to the classrooms and at home too linking to recycling and energy.
Amongst the list of challenges, the students were also asked to plant a seed. For this, we gave the girls wild flower seed ‘bombs’ to plant in the hope that, in time, these will grow into flowers attracting more bees and butterflies to our garden. This will add to our current work of the Plantlife No Mow May campaign in which we have left an area of grass in the Junior School garden to grow for the whole of May in order to encourage wild flowers to grow to produce nectar for the bees, butterflies, moths and beetles in the garden.
Stay up to date and follow our Instagram @bedfordgirlseco and Twitter @BGS_Eco.