A Big Green Week at BGS!
Whole School Eco and Sustainability

Mrs Whomsley (Junior School Eco-Coordinator)

Photo – Lottie (Year 6) litter picking

The Senior School Library was buzzing with ideas on Monday when the Junior and Senior School Eco Clubs joined together to share ideas and plans for this year. As part of their ongoing work for the school’s Green Flag award, they will have to choose three specific themes, such as Litter or Energy, as well as taking part in initiatives for their other Eco interests alongside this. 

It was fantastic to hear so many brilliant ideas generated by students from Years 3 to Upper Sixth and we cannot wait to agree on which topics we will focus on this year.

Another student who took action this weekend was Lottie Dawson, 6I, who took in a litter pick along The Embankment as part of a Surfers Against Sewage litter pick for The Great Big Green Week. Lottie explained: ‘I wanted to help clean up the part of the river that is near the fast food restaurants as I have noticed there is always lots of rubbish there. If it is left there then it might hurt some of the animals that live in the river. I really enjoyed doing it and found some interesting rubbish along the way including a safe!’

It is fantastic to see Lottie’s passion for the environment and being such a role model to others of how we can take action in our local environment. 

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A Big Green Week at BGS!