Mrs Graves (Head of English)
On Tuesday evening, Year 10 students travelled to Milton Keynes to see Stephen Daldry’s award winning National Theatre production of An Inspector Calls. As it is one of the texts that all students are currently working on for their IGCSE English Literature, this was a fantastic opportunity to be able to experience the play as a member of an audience, not just as a reader.
The production, which first took to the stage in 1992, features an unusual set design which encourages the audience to engage with key themes of the play such as the importance of breaking down barriers in society. In our discussions in lessons we have focused on ways in which the play can be used to explore different questions which show our concern for society, and a need to see the perspectives of others. It has been wonderful to hear students reflecting so thoughtfully on the ways in which the performance enhanced their thinking on these ideas.
Gracie (Year 10) reflected: “I really enjoyed going to watch An Inspector Calls. My favourite part of the show was being able to watch the Inspector slowly unravel and reveal the truth about the Birling family. Watching this play live is so useful for our coursework because it helps us view alternative perspectives we may not have noticed whilst reading the play, depending on the actors’ portrayal of the characters.
Mitali added: “The play was designed to be performed as opposed to just being read, and seeing it live added another dimension and perspective to our coursework preparation. Furthermore, it was thought-provoking to gain an insight into how other people may interpret the play, putting their own spin on J. B. Priestley’s ideas and showcasing his message in a different way.”