After the huge success of our first show, Bugsy Malone – The Musical in November, we are pleased to announce our next upcoming productions, The Company of Wolves and Peer.
The Company of Wolves is the second of a trio of wolf stories in Angela Carter’s 1979 short-story collection The Bloody Chamber. It is also arguably the most controversial. The story is divided into two sections: a prefatory passage which discusses lycanthropy or werewolves, and the main story which is a version of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale.
Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance) said: “The Company of Wolves, like all of Carter’s stories in The Bloody Chamber, is richly layered in symbolism and narrative texture - an ideally challenging and enriching text for students to explore and stage.”
Performance dates and times: Thursday 23rd February, 7:00pm, 24th February, 7:00pm and 25th February, 2:00pm 2023 in the BGS Studio Theatre. To book tickets, please click here.
The Drama Department is also extremely excited to announce that the Years 7 and 8 production, Peer.
Mrs Horton (Drama Teacher) reflected: “The play follows the life of Peer, starting as a teenager, through adult-hood and into old age. Peer’s life is extraordinarily exciting! We follow this journey through fantastical adventures from delving into the depths of the Troll King’s mountain palace, travelling Egypt and meeting a talking Sphynx, embarking on a long voyage on a ship only to be shipwrecked and rescued by dolphins…all the while, followed by a mysterious creature called The Boyg, although we are never quite sure if it's there to be Peer's guide or something more sinister.
“Auditions have been held with a fantastic turnout and lots of excitement and talent in the room. Rehearsals are all set to get underway for what promises to be a challenging, innovative and original production which has, at its heart, the ideals of giving the cast the creative autonomy to make dramatic decisions for themselves about the characters, plot and play they would like to produce.”
Performance dates and times: Thursday 6th, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th July 2023. Ticket booking and timings to be confirmed.