By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Monday, Year 4 welcomed A-Life, a company specialising in holistic health and well-being education into school. Their visit left an indelible mark on our students, offering an exciting blend of fun and education.
Through engaging activities, our girls discovered the secrets to a healthier life. They embarked on a culinary journey, sorting fruits and vegetables by their country of origin, and delving into the intricate world of food groups and sugar content in popular drinks. Learning didn't stop there; A-Life emphasised the importance of dental hygiene, quality sleep, and the need to limit screen time for a balanced lifestyle.
In their second session, our students took part in an energetic circuit of exercises, featuring trampettes, hurdles, puck hockey, and football dribbling. The laughter, teamwork and fantastic commitment by everyone was amazing to observe. The girls not only had a blast but also walked away with valuable insights into the significance of health and well-being. A-Life's visit marked a fantastic beginning to this term's exploration of Who We Are. Our girls are now armed with newfound knowledge and enthusiasm to lead healthier lives, embodying the spirit of holistic well-being.