Creative Workshop Day
Senior School

On Monday 4th December, we were delighted to offer all students in Year 8 the opportunity to sample the four creative and practical areas of the curriculum in preparation for making  Year 9 options in the Spring Term.

In Art, the students considered the theme of Identity, exploring a range of collage techniques. They were able to consider the message and meaning behind composition, selected imagery, and collage methods. The work produced was of excellent quality and will be used as a lead-in to their Year 9 studies.

Over in Textiles, the students investigated fashion drawing, focusing on frills, flounces, and fullness inspired by the work of Mollie Goddard. Students developed a wonderful range of creative designs that would look amazing in any collection.

It was a fun and exciting day in the Design and Technology Department as the students competed with each other in a chair design competition. The budding design students had to use their structural and material knowledge to come up with creative designs for a chair for our doll client, Patricia. There were a lot of exciting and innovative designs and all the students worked well in teams to develop their models. Super well done Year 8, your chair models look amazing!

The Food and Nutrition department had festivities as well; the students made gingerbread biscuits that could be turned into sustainable Christmas tree decorations, if desired. Year 8 expanded their knowledge of food science as they learned about the functions of the ingredients and considered the nutritional content for people with special dietary requirements. They developed practical skills including rubbing in, rolling to an even thickness, shaping, and judging cooking time. The biscuits were very popular, and the rooms still smelled lovely the next day!

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Creative Workshop Day