We are looking for some willing parent volunteers for our fun and informative Work The Room Networking Evening on Thursday 6th June 2024, 6.00-7.00pm
At BGS, we aim to give our students a well-rounded education. In addition to excellent academic results we look to provide them with life skills, so that they leave school as confident young adults. As part of this we run a workshop for our Lower Sixth students, called Work The Room, the event focuses on helping the students develop good business networking skills. We feel it is important that the students understand that confident business social networking skills are an important part of making the right impression, helping to secure business relationships and to build networks.
We are looking for some ‘willing volunteers’ for the students to try out their new skills and we hope you might be able to help. We ask various members of the school community to be our guests, to ensure a cross section of professional interests for the students. We would be really keen to welcome more of our parent community to the drink’s reception part of the event (6.00-7.00pm), which follows the students’ earlier workshop. It is a great opportunity to talk more about your area of expertise and to get a glimpse into Sixth Form life at BGS.
If you can assist with the evening, please contact Emma MacKenzie in The Alumnae Office at [email protected]