Inspiring Alumna Visit
Whole School Alumnae

Last Monday (10th June), we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr Dupé Burgess (née Odunsi, DAHS 2003) back into school for a very motivating Lower Sixth assembly.

A talented student, Dupé talked about her school days and how a serious health episode for a family member motivated her to follow a career in Medicine. Dupé went on to train at King’s College London and qualify as a Doctor.

Dupé explained that she found elements of working in the healthcare system frustrating, particularly around womens’ health, and this was the pivot in due course (via a move into management consultancy) to set up her own company, Bloomful. Dupé went on to say how women are continually negatively impacted in the healthcare system and often didn’t have their health issues taken seriously.  She also revealed that women were only routinely involved in medical trials in the last 30 years - quite staggering!

Dupé’s company provides a virtual gynaecological health care setting for individuals and organisations, streamlining the experience for its users.

Dupé explained to the students that positive change motivates her and is what keeps her inspired. Thank you Dupé for such fascinating and thought-provoking talk.

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Inspiring Alumna Visit