MUN 2024: Inspiring Young Leaders

By Tania Chatterjee (Head Girl)

We successfully hosted our second Model United Nations (MUN) conference on the 14th of June. We welcomed delegates from Stephen Perse Foundation, Bedford Modern School and Bedford School.

MUN simulates the workings of the UN, allowing students to understand the principles of the UN and how it functions. It allows students to learn about debating, diplomacy, international relations and current world issues. Each student is a delegate of a country within the UN and is placed on a committee which discusses a specific issue. Each committee discusses issues and produces resolutions as a team which would make meaningful impacts in the world.

We had five different committees which covered a range of different topics:

  • UNEP - Discuss the effectiveness of current carbon pricing mechanisms to reduce human caused impacts on the climate.
  • UNHRC - Protocols to protect women and children against trafficking.
  • UNODC - The illicit manufacturing and trafficking of firearms.
  • CSW - Addressing the Impact of Roe v Wade on Female Autonomy on a Global Scale.
  • Crisis Committee. 

Despite having several first-timers, the debates were still very lively. While I’m sure they were nervous, all of the delegates were outstanding and all of the committees’ passed resolutions by the end. Throughout the day the energy was ecstatic as during break some continued their enthusiastic discussions. There was a nice balance of perspectives. The students made the most of the day as they got involved in the debates and made new friendships. At the end of the conference the Chairs from each committee gave awards to the delegates who were the most impressive, in a range of categories.

I hope the delegates all gained valuable skills throughout the day such as collaboration, problem solving and quick thinking. Throughout the day I definitely saw some people come out of their shell and grow in confidence which was really gratifying to see.  

As Secretariats, Dina Atab (Lower Sixth) and I both organised the day and planned the event. We tried to ensure the day went as smoothly as possible. The conference was a great experience and I enjoyed going into each committee and hearing the fiery debates. It was also fantastic to hear from former Cambridge Union President, Francesca Hill (BHS 2009), our closing speaker, who shared her career experience within diplomacy in the Civil Service, both in the UK and overseas. The conference also allowed us to gain skills such as leadership.

Overall, the day was very fun and we hope the next conference is as successful!

View photos from the event here.

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MUN 2024: Inspiring Young Leaders