The Winners are…
Whole School Sport

By Mrs Mason-McLeod (Director of Sport)

On Monday 24th June, BGS hosted its much-anticipated Senior School Sports Day at the Bedford International Athletic Stadium. The weather was perfect, and the enthusiasm from students, parents, and staff alike created an electric atmosphere. The stands were filled with cheering supporters and the energy of the day was evident.

The event was a collaborative effort, with numerous staff members contributing to its success. Mr Gracie (Deputy Head) took on the role of race starter, ensuring that each event began with precision and excitement. Meanwhile, Mrs Burtenshaw (Computer Science Teacher) kept everyone's spirits high with her series of amusing sports day jokes, adding a touch of humour.

The sense of community at BGS was on full display. Students demonstrated flexibility, stepping in at the last minute whenever needed. Despite the warm temperatures, House spirit was unmistakable, with students donning some incredible and imaginative outfits that added colour and flair to the day.

A highlight of the event was the outstanding performance by Emily Elphick (Year 7). Emily, already celebrated as the Bedfordshire County Javelin champion, broke the school record for Years 7/8 with an astonishing throw of 33.62 metres. Her achievement was met with a loud applause from all in attendance.

The day concluded with a celebration of Franklin, who emerged as the overall winners of the Sports Day Cup. Their victory was the result of consistent performance and determination across all events. Franklin also won the Senior competition, while Austen won the Intermediate competition and Hepburn the Junior competition.

A big thank you goes out to every student, parent and staff member who contributed to making this Sports Day a resounding success. Congratulations to all participants for their incredible efforts and to Franklin for their well-deserved win.

View photos here.

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