Lunchbox Lecture Series Begins
Sixth Form Careers

As part of the Sixth Form House redevelopment, a new initiative has started where external speakers are invited in to speak to the girls.

The refurbishment of the Sixth Form included a revamped S101, which has been designated to host the Lunchbox Lecture series.

The programme will see a number of visiting speakers, ranging from alumnae to business professionals, passing on their pearls of wisdom to Sixth Form girls during a weekly lunchtime session, which is optional to attend.

Ginny Bradwell, Director at accountancy company First Intuition, kicked-off the series yesterday (Thursday 17th September) by giving the girls an insight into the different routes into the accountancy sector.

Dr Walters, Director of Sixth Form, said: “We want to do all we can to prepare the girls for life after school, whether that would be further education or entering the working world. External speakers who are, or have been, in that position are best placed to advise our girls.” 


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Lunchbox Lecture Series Begins