Tuesday 5th February saw the launch of the independent learning opportunity, the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) to the Lower Sixth students. The EPQ allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed and self-motivated project. Students must choose a topic, plan, research and develop their idea and decide on their finished product.
There are two routes - a 5000 word plus research project, similar to a dissertation or an artefact, in the form of something tangible, supported by a 1000 word reflection. In addition, every candidate is required to complete and submit a production log, which is an ongoing record of the EPQ process and progress.
Mrs Hoar, Challenge and Extend Co-ordinator, said: “I am delighted with the application of our Upper Sixth outcomes. The high levels of independent learning is outstanding and I am looking forward to working with the Lower Sixth to embrace a similar experience.”
The process is shared through a formal presentation in the middle of the Upper Sixth. We have over thirty girls in the Upper Sixth who will be delivering their presentations over the next few weeks. We look forward to sharing the projects with you.