Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning
Senior School

On Monday evening, parents were invited to attend the Curriculum Conversations event Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning, hosted by Senior Deputy Head, John Gardner. Mr Gardner was accompanied by Mrs Woolley (Biology Teacher) and Upper Sixth students Rosalie Inman and Clodagh Mackay.    

This interactive session explored the evidence, which suggests that that students can make up to seven months additional progress over a 12-month period through approaches to learning and teaching, which incorporate metacognition and self-regulation.

Parents were invited to engage in experiential activities which served to exemplify approaches used by teaching staff at Bedford Girls’ School to help realise the fundamental principles of these skills. Mrs Woolley shared some excellent examples of how this is delivered within the Science department, allowing parents to explore a typical GCSE Biology activity for themselves.

The event concluded with a panel discussion in which Rosalie and Clodagh shared their own experiences of how they apply the principles of metacognition and self-regulation within their own study practices. Parents were intrigued to hear how the girls utilised these approaches to planning and monitoring which enabled them to enjoy both academic success and personal well-being. 

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Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning