Students Showcase Research
Sixth Form

Mrs Hoar (English Teacher, Challenge and Extend Co-Ordinator)

After a year of research, application and reflection, we have been delighted to observe many of our Upper Sixth girls completing the final stages of their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) - the presentation requirement.

The EPQ is a largely independent learning opportunity that challenges and extends our Sixth Form girls to research an area of interest, producing a 5000 word dissertation or a physical artefact. Passion, determination and time management are crucial skills also required for higher education and career prospects.

It has been a pleasure supporting the group as they have worked incredibly hard throughout the process. From ‘Exploring the extent of a link between income, happiness index and the types of goods and services consumers purchase’, to considering whether ‘Minimal invasive keyhole surgeries are more successful than traditional open surgeries’, each and every project is unique, reflecting the extremely high calibre of our Sixth Form. We are hoping to publish the dissertations to share with parents, staff and girls.

Isobel Horsfall said, “I decided to write my EPQ about linguistic change because I wanted to broaden my limited knowledge of the subject. I have really enjoyed being able to immerse myself in a subject matter of my own choice. Being responsible for our own projects, it has been a fantastic opportunity to develop a variety of skills, such as time management and research, which will be valuable beyond A Levels”.

Isabella Deville reinforced, “I chose to complete an artefact rather than an essay, because I want to go into a practical based career so it was a lot more beneficial to me. I decided to design and potentially create a more aerodynamic go-kart model. Overall, I found this project an amazing opportunity because it allowed me to show and research areas that interest me that I won't learn about in school- this project was truly rewarding and eye opening into different aspects of motor racing.”

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Students Showcase Research