Digital Research Day
Sixth Form

Mrs Hoar (Challenge and Extend Co-ordinator)

On Monday, as part of their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), a group of our Year 12 girls enjoyed a Digital Research day at the British Library.

Led by research specialist Martin Swan, they explored the minutiae of effective data collection and how this can be used to produce a successful academic dissertation. The course covered high levels of subject matter, from authentic research tools, gathering primary data, recognising ‘fake’ news to how the library itself can be accessed as a benefit of independent learning.

The girls rose to every challenge and it was a pleasure to observe them building on their existing skills in such a wonderful environment.

Bethany Thompson (Lower Sixth), said: "The day was really informative as it taught us all about doing digital research; such as using advanced searches, which will be helpful for my EPQ on ancient writing systems. I also really enjoyed the tour of the British Library which was amazing to see. Overall the day was very interesting."


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