Raising Funds for Lulu
Junior School Charity

Eva Berman, Sophia Potts, Anna Whomsley, Issy Wright and Emme Devile (Year 6)

A few of weeks before the Easter holiday we found out about a little girl called Lulu De Vries who lives in Bedford. Just after starting school, Lulu was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, which is a very rare form of cancer. She is very sick, her family are raising funds for her to go to America for treatment that is not available in the UK.  

As a group, we organised a campaign as we wanted to do something. We gave everyone in the Junior School a plastic glove and asked them to go home and fill it with change by being paid to  do jobs around the house.

When we found out the final amount of money raised, we were absolutely amazed - it was £1013.61! We really hope Lulu will get much better and that our donation will help with the treatments of children with Neuroblastoma.

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Raising Funds for Lulu