Ms Moral (Spanish Teacher)
What a pleasure to have Onatti Productions performing again at our school on Wednesday. The Years 8, 9 and 10 Hispanists enjoyed watching the play Primera Cita (First Date).
The extremely entertaining play gave the audience a hilarious insight of two teenagers, Carlos and Maria, preparing for their first date. In both bedrooms there was hysteria, panic, fear and apprehension. Maria had issues with her make-up, her hair, her clothes and a very untimely spot on her face! While Carlos, in his room, attempted his first ever shave! Then, of course, the audience got to watch them on their actual date.
All of Onatti’s plays contain audience participation and this time was no exception. Our BGS girls were actively involved in answering some of their prompts on stage, which not only created tongue in cheek moments but also really helped them celebrate their Spanish language. ¡Hasta la vista!
Anya Pawar (Year 8) said: “I really enjoyed the play. I could recognise what they were saying throughout the majority of it and could understand what was happening. The actors included the audience a lot, which made it more fun to watch.”