The current lockdown restrictions has not deterred the BGS equestrian community from competing remotely during these challenging times. Many of the older members have been busy keeping their horses fit in anticipation of the competitions being restarted. With the help of technology, the riders have been able to compete in The National Schools Equestrian Association bi-monthly dressage competitions from home. They have been filming their dressage test and uploading it on YouTube, where it is then scored by an official judge.
Talented riders Holly Maudlin (Year 7) and Violet Whitaker (Year 4) entered April/May competition with some fantastic results. In the Class Prelim 7, Holly placed 1st riding Twister, Violet placed 3rd riding Dinky and 7th riding Precious.
The equestrian community are super keen to get back out flying the BGS flag as soon as it is safe to do so.
The team are currently working towards the National Championship that will hopefully be held at a competition venue rather than at home.