Inspirational student, Daisy Rees (Year 3) and her family have been taking part in a walk to raise funds for the Home of Hope Orphanage, in Malawi. Daisy’s family so far have walked, run, cycled, scooted and even skateboarded over 700km since the start of February! (Daisy contributing 175km to that!) The group are trying to cover the distance it would be from Bedford to the Home of Hope, which is a massive 11, 145.2 km, and so far as a team they have covered 95% of this distance, with just over a week left to go.
Daisy has loved getting out and about so much with her family, especially during lock down and feels so happy to have raised money for the orphaned children in the home. If you would like to sponsor Daisy you can do so by following this link HERE.
Daisy’s form tutor, Mrs Martin said: “It is so wonderful to see that Daisy has used her family’s love of the outdoors to raise awareness and funds for such a fabulous cause. Student agency at its finest and an inspiration to her peers!”