Well-being at Cople
Senior School Wellbeing

Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)

As part of the Year 7 transition programme, the students set off to Cople Fields for a day to get to know one another and to have lots of fun.

Once again, we were lucky with the weather as we walked to Cople, the students chatted and laughed and they particularly enjoyed the rest breaks, with some commenting they had never walked so far in their life!

Once we arrived at Cople and had recharged, the students got stuck into a game of form rounders. This was followed by lunch and then they were set the task of completing a perspective challenge in their Houses. They rose to the challenge and have produced some excellent perspective photos which have some of them hiding under a massive umbrella, others jumping over the building at Cople and some looking as though they are squashing one another. View photos here.

They then participated in an exhilarating Zumba class which was followed by a scavenger hunt. All the students had an incredible day and their laughter was infectious as they participated in all activities getting to know one another across the year group.

Nicky Kumar (Year 7) said: “I loved the Well-being Day at Cople a lot and enjoyed it thoroughly.  I think all the students enjoyed it as much as me. My favourite activity was the perspective challenge and all the awesome photos we captured. Thank you for the awesome day.”

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Well-being at Cople