Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion
Whole School

Mrs Cruse (Head of Years 7 and 8)

Year 7 had their Inclusion and Diversity Day on Tuesday where the focus was to learn about the Children’s Charter and understand that every child has the same rights whatever their ethnicity, religion, gender, language, abilities or any other status.

The Charter was ratified in the UK in 1991 and is the most widely adopted international human rights treaty in history.  After looking at the Convention, the students examined children who have won the children’s Peace Prize, and they then choose to research the one who inspired them.  

A number chose Divina Maloum, the 2019 winner, who at the age of 15 built a grass roots, youth led movement of around 100 permanent members in Cameroon, called Children for Peace. They work with over 5000 children a year, helping them to understand that they have a choice: they can say no to violence and build a lasting peace. Others chose Greta Thunberg, while some chose Charlie Mycroft who has told people that her ‘disability has never been a problem or a burden. It is part of my life and an opportunity to do things differently.’ They also did an in-depth study of the film He Named Me Malala and analysed the significance of Malala.

The students immersed themselves in learning a South East Asian dance, which they were taught by Aleena Azam and Narayani Joshi both in 8KKD. They also learnt about why as a School we will be marking World Hijab Day on Tuesday 1st February and we’re given an insightful presentation on wearing a hijab.

To end the day, the students investigated the significance and importance of protected characteristics and were given the opportunity to join the school’s Student Voice group for Diversity and Inclusion.

Nora Nihad (Year 7) said: “I absolutely loved the Diversity and Inclusion day! I found it very interesting to find out about inspirational children and different beliefs, and also to listen to the experience of many others similar to me. The Bollywood dance activity was energetic; It was amusing to also see the teachers involved! I also enjoyed listening to the story of Malala, an activist who stood up for girl’s rights of education. I felt inspired when I heard her story.”

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Celebrating Diversity & Inclusion