Ms March (Head of Geography)
To what extent do the channel characteristics of the River Kym apply to the Bradshaw model?
That was the key question on our minds when we set out on our fieldwork visit to the River Kym on Thursday 12th May 2022. The Lower Sixth IB Diploma students had a very active morning collecting data and measuring river channels, river velocity and sediment size. The data collected will then be used to help them write up their Internal Assessment (IA) as part of their IB Diploma Higher Level geography course. The photographs certainly show how much fun all had! View photos here.
Hannah Russell (Lower Sixth) said: “The trip to the River Kym was so useful and interesting. I found it so insightful to be able to see and apply geography in the outside world and it has really inspired me to learn more about physical geography. The data we gathered is really useful and will also help me prepare for my coursework.”
Emily Perry (Lower Sixth) said: “The IB Diploma Geography fieldwork trip was about researching: to what extent the River Kym replicates the Bradshaw Model, through studying the physical and human factors which affect the progression of the river's characteristics. I thoroughly enjoyed measuring the different flow rates, channel depths and widths but even more so, the adventure of climbing down to get to the river in the first place!”
Mckenna Nel (Lower Sixth) said: “I really enjoyed getting out and doing some fieldwork relating to the Drainage Basin and studies in class for our IA. Investigating the different Bradshaw Model factors with all the equipment was interesting, as well as walking along the river in wellies.”