Photo - Jemima (Lower Sixth)
We are proud to announce that the Sixth Form Instagram account has now been passed to another aspiring marketeer, Jemima Peacock (Lower Sixth). The Edit interviewed Jemima to talk about why it is important to connect with students through social media.
A huge thank you to Evie Bradwell (Upper Sixth), who previously ran the account and showcased the student experience through the eyes of the Sixth Form students. We wish her all the best in her examinations.
When did you join the BGS Community?
I have been a member of the BGS Community since Year 3, and in this time have made countless memories and formed amazing friendships that will hopefully last a lifetime.
Who asked you to be the new face behind the Sixth Form student led Instagram account?
When looking into career options I discovered that I had a strong interest in marketing, which led to me being assigned an amazing mentor who works in marketing for Lego. With her help, I am beginning to delve deeper into marketing and what it entails, which is very exciting. This in turn led to the director of Sixth Form, Mrs Woolley, offering me the opportunity to manage the Sixth Form Instagram. After accepting this rare opportunity, I met with Mr Mall (Marketing Executive) who gave me some very helpful advice on how to run the Instagram and what had been successful in previous years under Evie’s management. I’m hopeful that I will be able to run and show off the Sixth Form as well as Evie did.
Do you have a team who will help promote and support the Sixth Form key messages?
Whilst there isn’t a specific team that helps run the account; my most important aim when running the Instagram is to make sure that it’s a space where everyone is included, showcasing everything from sports to science clubs to individual successes of Sixth Formers. I am extremely happy that so many students have been enthusiastic about sharing their input on what to showcase.
How are you going to keep building the BGS Sixth Form Instagram following?
In order to keep building the community on the Sixth Form Instagram page, I am going to be posting frequently covering a broad range of areas of Sixth Form life, hopefully staying in touch with past students and showcasing some of the things that go on day to day in Sixth Form. Furthermore, I am really passionate about making it an inclusive page whereby everyone is celebrated for their achievements.
What skills are hoping to gain from running the student-led Instagram account?
I’m looking forward to having the responsibility of showcasing the Sixth Form from a student perspective but also learning how to make sure that my posts are reaching a wider audience. Furthermore, I would really love it if the Senior School students engaged with the account and get a taste of all the exciting things that await them in Sixth Form.
What are your career aspirations?
Whilst I am still deliberating what it is I want to do next, at the moment, I am interested in studying marketing and more specifically fashion marketing. I have always enjoyed looking at fashion houses' marketing campaigns and how they present their products in the best light.
How would you promote BGS to a potential Sixth Form student?
I would recommend looking at the Sixth Form Instagram as it gives an unfiltered view of what Sixth Form life at BGS really looks like on a day-to-day basis. I would also recommend looking round the school in person as this is the best way to gain a proper feel for the school and most importantly seeing the common room in action is invaluable to gain an insight into the kind of environment we have at BGS.