Sparking Creativity
Junior School

Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

In their Unit of Inquiry into how Belonging to a community helps us to connect with our identity, Year 3 have been investigating the work of Frida Kahlo; the Mexican artist who had a particular interest in identity and self-portraits.

After a tragic accident that left her in severe, lifelong pain, Kahlo left her studies in medicine and began to paint. She used various self-portraits as a way to portray the things that had happened to her. Whilst she was known for her controversial artwork on issues such as feminism and culture whilst alive, her fame came mainly after she had died.

The bright colours used in her paintings and the surreal images she portrayed, have sparked the imaginations in Year 3 and they have started to put together their own piece of artwork, using their faces and thinking deeply about the things they will use to represent their own identity in their artwork. 

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Sparking Creativity