By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
Year 6 have got their new PYP Unit of Inquiry off to a bang this week using Augmented Reality (AR). Our Central Idea this half term is, Scientific and technological advances impact the world we live in. The year group are going to focus on advances in the field of medicine so decided to use AR to explore different pieces of medical technology through the ages.
The girls had a great time bringing in 3D images of different medical equipment into the classroom from Roman surgical knives to a plague mask and barber surgeons chair to an MRI machine. The ability to move around the object, zoom in to see fine detail and model using them was a fantastic learning experience. They could really see the similarities and differences between the older and newer technologies and made some great generalisations about medical technology in different time periods. As a result of looking at these objects using AR, the girls have lots and lots of questions that are going to form the basis of our research next week.
Next week, the girls are going to build on this fantastic start by delving further into the history of medicine, followed by an exciting visit to The Science Museum to the Medicine Galleries. They are looking forward to seeing more examples of medical technology and advancements through the ages.
The whole year group can’t wait to get going on the rest of our unit…