Making a Difference
Junior School Community

By Mrs Button (Year 6 Teacher)

As part of their How We Organise Ourselves, Unit of Inquiry, Year 6 have been actively engaging in their communities, addressing local issues with thoughtful action. Although this was their active inquiry task last half term, some of the actions have taken time to come to fruition. Here are some inspiring examples of what our students across different classes have been doing.

Charlie identified the Stanbridge and Totternhoe Junction near her home as a dangerous spot with frequent accidents. She took initiative by writing a letter to her local MP and the Bedford Borough Council, outlining her concerns and suggesting improvements. Charlie is also planning to present her case at an Executive Council meeting in the summer and has already emailed a video highlighting the issue to council members.

Samrutha was concerned by the litter around her local area. She contacted her Parish Council and Bedford Borough Council, seeking permission to put up anti-litter posters and organise a litter pick. The Parish Council has granted her permission to place a poster in a designated area and Bedford Borough Council suggested she join a litter-picking group.

Mia, Evelyn, Nyah, and Evie took action by picking up litter in their local area. They also sent a letter to Bedford Borough Council requesting the installation of more bins. The council responded, indicating they would need to consider funding for additional bins.

Ati noticed that several well-used thoroughfares near her home were overgrown, making access difficult. She emailed her Parish Council to request that the hedges and undergrowth be cut back. They replied that they cannot legally cut hedges from April to August to protect nesting birds, but they have since trimmed the areas around the paths to improve access.

It's wonderful to see our Year 6 students making a positive impact on their communities and achieving real results! Their dedication and proactive approach are truly inspiring.

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Making a Difference