By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
This week, the Junior School embraced the vibrant festival of Diwali, with celebrations organised by our dedicated Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) representatives.
They worked creatively to bring the spirit of Diwali alive, planning meaningful activities for each class to enjoy together. From crafting intricate rangolis with chalks and colourful powders outside, to designing paper diva lamps, the school was filled with beautiful displays of colour and light.
The pupils also collaborated on patterned collages that added a festive touch to our classrooms and the terrace. It has been a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together, learning about the traditions behind Diwali while celebrating our school’s diverse community.
The D&I representatives did a fantastic job of making this week special for all, and they hope everyone who celebrates Diwali enjoyed a joyous and memorable festival.