Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Tuesday, the Randle Hall was transformed into a busy Tudor market town, with soap making, doctor’s apothecary, candle and perfume making stalls and much more! This was an exciting and inspiring opportunity to consider the lives of the rich and poor in the late medieval period in British history.
The girls particularly enjoyed diagnosing sore legs and arms, and treating these ailments by pretending to chop off the offending limb. They also mixed herbal remedies for coughs and colds. It was wonderful to see the girls so engaged, supported by many enthusiastic parents, who helped to make the day such a success. In the afternoon, the girls staged a banquet and presented plays, songs and a Tudor dance, whilst dining on a small feast washed down with Ribena wine.
The Year 4 girls started the morning right at the beginning of their journey of inquiry, and finished with an amazing insight into life in the Tudor period, and, with a thirst to learn more.
Our Tudor expert remarked on how impressed she was with the level of engagement and desire to learn. We are all looking forward to an exciting term of discovery.