Mr Potter (Director of Digital Strategy)
Last Wednesday, The Bridge Careers Department were delighted to welcome Mr Lee Barney for an insightful Lunchbox Lecture about the various careers in Information Security.
Currently the Head of Information Security at Debenhams, Lee has worked in a number of sectors including Defence, Finance and now in Retail. In his previous role at Marks and Spencer, he enhanced their cyber security to bring it in line with modern security standards.
Computer Scientists from Years 10 and above gained a real insider view of this fascinating industry. Lee talked about where to start, and how to succeed in cybersecurity, which is predicted to be one of the huge growth areas in the tech industry over the next few years. As a result of this engaging talk, we now have several BGS Computer Scientists seriously considering Information Security as a career.
Abi Bradbury (Year 11) said: “It was great to hear about the different routes and to find out what you do day-to-day if you work in cyber security.”
Grace Gaffey (Year 11) added: “I found the talk really interesting as it helped me gain an insight into what type of jobs you can get within the industry of cyber security and where the best places are to work depending on what motivates you.”