Creative short stories
Junior School LRC

Mrs Jhall (Senior LRC Assistant, Junior School Library)

At the end of last term, the Junior School LRC launched the BBC 500 Words competition. Now in its 10th year, the competition is open to children aged 5 to 13 years old and is an invitation to the wide world of imagination, so it was time to get those creative cogs turning!

There have been some outstanding and varied entries, which have caused a creative storm at the Junior School. Here are some extracts below:

The Snow Globe, by Amelia Morris (Year 6)

Moss was starting to grow over the ancient ruins of Beggar's Cove. Leaves crunched under Eliza’s feet. Her hair was as white as snow and her face was as pale as a ghost. The cave ahead echoed with whispers, as she trudged on through the misty night. Eliza’s aunt Maud had sent her to find the map of London that her dog, Jasper, had stupidly run off with. Now both the map and Jasper were missing.

The Beast by Zena Breed (Year 6)

By the time we’d reached the woods, it was almost dark and the shadows lingered like claws ready to pounce. It was only then we felt the first drops of rain on our shoulders. Then all of a sudden I heard the drum of thunder and the rain started to pour, we ran for cover under the trees.

The entries have now been submitted to the BBC 500 Words competition. 

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Creative short stories