Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
Year 6 have started the school year with a big question – ‘What is Art?’ A few days ago, a strange exhibit featuring a banana taped to a board appeared outside the Year 6 classrooms. What was it? Why was it there? Who put it there? Can I eat it? These were all questions we have heard Junior School girls ask as they have walked past it.
A day later, a question appeared next to the banana – ‘Is this Art?’ As you can imagine, this has led to some interesting discussions as girls from all year groups go past.
The girls have been thinking carefully about this and trying to work out ‘What is Art?’ This is the start of our new Unit of Inquiry on How We Express Ourselves, where we will be exploring art and how it is used to convey people’s feelings about issues in society.
In case you are wondering, the banana taped to the wall is inspired by Comedian - a 2019 artwork by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. The work, created in an edition of three, consists of a fresh banana taped to a wall with a piece of duct tape. Two editions of the piece sold for $120,000 USD at Art Basel Miami Beach!
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