Mrs Thomas (Year 5 Teacher)
In support of World Mental Health Day, the Junior School all came together on Friday 9th October and dressed all in Yellow as part of the school wide non-uniform day to promote the understanding of mental health education and raising awareness.
We took time in our classes to focus on strategies to support mental well-being and 5T ended their day with a guided meditation, centred around a Gratitude Tree, where they were asked to imagine writing all the things they are grateful for and placing them as leaves on their tree. We also discussed the importance of using meditation and breathing techniques as a way to unwind, relax feel calm as well as the greater benefits like increased focus and greater emotional resilience as well as a way to ‘unplug’ and be mindful of the present moment, which can aid more restful sleep!
Mya said: “It was like the story was coming to life in my head and made me feel calm and happy.”
Larissa said: “I enjoyed it as it was calming and helped me clear my mind after a busy week.”
The Junior School pupils also now all have access to a Google Classroom page dedicated to Happiness and Wellbeing. Here they can find links, activities and information promoting and highlighting key mental health techniques and strategies to help. This week’s theme is Sleep!