Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
Pictured – Junior School Eco Reps.
As part of the WWF’s Forest of Promises, the Junior School has been thinking about the environment and reflecting on what action we can take to have a positive impact on the world around us. From these reflections, each pupil has either made or collected a leaf and written a promise on it to record what their promised action will be. Each leaf has been added to create our own ‘tree of promises’, which will be sent off to the WWF to join other ‘trees’ to become a forest of promises from school children all over the country to be part of the conversation about the changes needed to address climate change.
The leaves also hold messages from the girls to world leaders about changes they would like to see happen in the world around them and the WWF will be sharing these at the UN Climate Change Conference in November.
For further information about this project, click here.