The Marvels of Medicine
Junior School

Mrs Button (Year 6 Teacher)

This half term, in Year 6, we have started to find out about medical technology to explore the idea of Scientific knowledge is constantly evolving and has an impact on people’s lives in our How the World Works Unit of Inquiry. Each class has had the opportunity to look at some medical equipment such as stethoscopes, microscopes, sphygmomanometer (a blood pressure cuff), a blood glucose meter and a peak flow meter.

The girls also had the opportunity to explore other medical artefacts such as MRI machines, prosthetic arms (both old and new), surgical equipment using virtual reality on their iPads. The aim of the task was to start the students thinking about the connections between the different artefacts and how the technology has changed.

Hattie Suthers (6BC) said: “I liked looking at the VR of the MRI machine because I could examine it more and I want to find out more about how it works.

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The Marvels of Medicine