Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
As part of this half-term’s focus Year 3s have been working on Self-Management approaches to learning, with a particular focus on Time Management and Goal Setting.
In deciding how they are going to show their understanding of How nature is a cultural stimulus for creativity and enjoyment, they have first had to set a goal that is realistic and achievable in a given time. Once they had decided on their goal and using their weekly timetables, they have created individualised schedules, which would show what they wanted to achieve in each Inquiry lesson, deciding how long they would need to complete each element of their project.
Since joining Year 3, the girls have been shown how to apply different tools to keep them on track; from timers, to lists, to timetables and how to break down their learning to show a deep understanding through a chosen form.
They are now showing how they use these tools to keep themselves on track and conversely, how to change their plans to show where something hasn’t worked, or indeed if they have been interested in further inquiry into a component of their project.
It is impressive that at such an early stage in their School career they are applying these skills and we are very much looking forward to their final project presentations next Friday.