Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
As part of our Heritage celebrations last week, Year 5 enjoyed looking at the old photographs of the classrooms from our Heritage schools. We looked at the learning resources in the classrooms and reflected on how they had changed over the years to the classrooms we use today, such as comparing typewriters and the early computers to the iPads we use daily and the advantages of our interactive whiteboards compared to the blackboards and chalk used by teachers previously.
The pupils used their reflections to consider what classrooms might look like for BGS pupils in the future – whether it be in 10, 50 or 100 years. How might technology have advanced? What resources would be needed? How will classrooms change over time, particularly considering how much they have changed in recent years?
Year 5 demonstrated their creativity and imagination with their thoughtful designs. They included how robots might be incorporated as well as how the role of the teacher may change. When thinking about and designing new technology, many of the girls included areas of the classroom to allow for collaborative learning away from desks and ‘green spaces’ to consider sustainability and awareness of the environment. It was fascinating to watch their final presentations and to see how the girls envisaged the education and school for future BGS pupils.
Tiffany (5PW): “I found learning about the school’s heritage fascinating and I really enjoyed creating a classroom of the future!”
Mimi (5PW): “I really liked designing a classroom of the future because it’s really fun to think about how our lives could change in only the next few decades. In order to be successful, I had to be open minded, communicate well with my partner and be original in my thinking.”
Millie and Isobel (5W): “It was fun to invent new technology and it was fun to design the classroom and to think about what it might look like in the future.”
Anna (5VF): “I liked it as it was so creative and it was fun seeing what our lives could be like in the future.”
Emily (5F): “I enjoyed thinking of how to make the school futuristic!”