Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
Year 5 had a fantastic adventure to camp out in the woods for their end of year residential. The girls were self-reliant by transporting themselves to and from the camp as well as building their camps when they arrived at the woods, making it a real test of their resilience, perseverance and collaboration.
After meeting our instructors, we set off in our canoes from the Harpur Trust boathouses and paddled along the River Ouse to the campsite. We had a few stops along the way to stock up on snacks and rest-breaks, including eating our lunch in a lock! We were immensely proud of the girls and how they took a risk to overcome this challenge, particularly as many had never been in a canoe before.
The campsite was set in the middle of the woods, with an open campfire to cook our meals and obligatory s’mores before bedtime! Camp was set up with tipi tents amongst the trees, which the girls had to set up themselves in groups. After a busy day on the water, the girls were ready for their sleep under the stars and to listen out for the woodland night-life.
The following morning, girls awoke to birdsong and a campfire breakfast to set them up for a morning of bush craft activities. From creating shelters, to making fires, using natural navigational tools and other team-building activities, the girls had a fantastic morning before breaking camp and setting off for their journey back to school by walking the stretch of river path where they had paddled their canoes the previous day.
All of the teachers who accompanied the trip were amazed by how the girls rose to every challenge set to them, particularly as this was a first residential trip for the majority of them. We arrived back to school smelling of campfires and with happy and tired pupils and staff – the sign of a brilliant trip!
View photos from the trip here.