By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4) and Miss Coote (Year 4 Teacher)
Year 4 had a fantastic day visiting the British Museum on Tuesday 15th November. This trip tied in wonderfully with our current Unit of Inquiry, the present and future are influenced by the past and after choosing a civilisation that they wished to investigate further, they went off to view their chosen exhibit.
The girls used their iPads to record key information, adding photos and text that were relevant to their key questions. This required lots of big picture thinking and strategy planning! We were also lucky enough to have some time allocated for sketching, ready to inspire art work back at school. Whilst sketching, we had to take into account our knowledge of tone and shading to ensure the finished product was as detailed as possible.
Upon returning to School, the girls have continued to organise the information they collected from the British Museum, before using additional books and other resources to add to what they have found out. This enabled them to take their learning much deeper, and meant they could answer questions about their chosen civilisation when working in pairs.
Whilst on the trip, the girls were great communicators, sharing their ideas and listening to each other respectfully. They also showed superb self-management skills, organising their time effectively and categorising their work into a logical structure.