By Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)
In raising awareness of the importance of Children’s Mental Health Week, pupils across the Junior School have been involved in a whole range of exciting activities to support and raise awareness of this year’s theme, Let’s Connect.
During an assembly, delivered by the Student Voice, pupils considered their own understanding of Mental Health and thought about a range of strategies they could employ to successfully connect with others in a range of communities and situations. We talked about how people thrive in communities, and that this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing.
As an extension of my role as Wellbeing Champion, I have organised a plethora of lunchtime activities for everyone to join in to make new connections and to feel a sense of community. These sessions included; a range of simple Breathing Techniques, Mindful Art, Paired hand massage, Mindful eating and Friday Fun Dance! All sessions were well attended and brought us all together in a shared, fun experience! Classes also joined together to make paper chains decorating their individual strips of paper with words, patterns and pictures of things that represent or remind them of when they best feel connected to others.
In addition, on Friday’s Non-school uniform Day, I am encouraging all students to – ‘Dress to Express’ wearing clothes and colours that express their personality and uniqueness.
Finally, I am really looking forward to receiving the student’s reflections of the importance of connecting with others, through the Poster Competition, detailed on the Wellbeing Classroom.
All in all, a very important message highlighted throughout a very busy last week of half term!